If you need to find out who is deleting your records, you can write this code on the Execute Anonymous block (either on the force.com IDE or the Force.com Console):
for (List<Account> Accs : [SELECT Id, LastModifiedByID, LastModifiedBy.userName, LastModifiedBy.name, LastModifiedDate, Name
FROM Account
WHERE IsDeleted = true
for (Account acc : Accs) {
String str = '';
str += 'Account [' + Acc.Name + '] ';
str += 'was deleted by [' + acc.LastModifiedBy.name + ' ';
str += '(' + acc.LastModifiedBy.userName + ')] ';
str += 'on [' + acc.LastModifiedDate + ']';
You could also perform a similar operation using Data Loader (v20 or later) by clicking on the [Export All] button and using this query:
SELECT Id, LastModifiedByID, LastModifiedBy.userName, LastModifiedBy.name, LastModifiedDate, Name
FROM Account
WHERE IsDeleted = true
This works in Data Loader because it uses the QueryAll() method when connecting to Salesforce using the Webservices API.
for (List<Account> Accs : [SELECT Id, LastModifiedByID, LastModifiedBy.userName, LastModifiedBy.name, LastModifiedDate, Name
FROM Account
WHERE IsDeleted = true
for (Account acc : Accs) {
String str = '';
str += 'Account [' + Acc.Name + '] ';
str += 'was deleted by [' + acc.LastModifiedBy.name + ' ';
str += '(' + acc.LastModifiedBy.userName + ')] ';
str += 'on [' + acc.LastModifiedDate + ']';
You could also perform a similar operation using Data Loader (v20 or later) by clicking on the [Export All] button and using this query:
SELECT Id, LastModifiedByID, LastModifiedBy.userName, LastModifiedBy.name, LastModifiedDate, Name
FROM Account
WHERE IsDeleted = true
This works in Data Loader because it uses the QueryAll() method when connecting to Salesforce using the Webservices API.
Good stuff Sharma, Tnx