Monday, May 28, 2012

Triggers in Salesforce

How to Play with Apex Triggers

Definition of Apex Triggers:--
A trigger is an Apex code that executes before or after the following types of operations:
  • insert
  • update
  • delete
  • merge
  • upsert (Update + Insert)
  • undelete
For example, you can have a trigger run before an object’s records are inserted into the database, after records have been deleted, or even after a record is restored from the recycle bin.
Triggers can be divided into two types:--

·         Before triggers can be used to update or validate record values before they are saved to the database.
·         After triggers can be used to access field values that are set by the database (such as a record's Id or last Updated field) and to affect changes in other records, such as logging into an audit table or firing asynchronous events with a queue.

Returns a list of the new versions of the sObject records. Note that this sObject list is only available in insert and update triggers, and the records can only be modified in before triggers.

Trigger. Old
Returns a list of the old versions of the sObject records. Note that this sObject list is only available in update and delete triggers.

A map of IDs to the new versions of the sObject records. Note that this map is only available in before update, after insert, and after update triggers.

A map of IDs to the old versions of the sObject records. Note that this map is only available in update and delete triggers.

Before Insert: new
Before update: old, new, newMap, oldMap
Before delete: old, oldMap
Before undelete: Similar to Insert
After Insert: new, newMap
After update: old, new, newMap, oldMap
After Delete: old, oldMap

Point to Remember
·         You cannot delete Trigger.New.
·         Trigger. Old is always read only.
·         Trigger.New and Trigger. Old cannot be used in Apex DML operations. 

Understanding Concepts of Old and New values for different Events 

Important: -- For before events: List of Records, Map of Records did not have Id, Formulas, and Parent fields.

Before Insert
trigger conceptOldandNew on Contact (before Insert) {
public Map<Id,String> conIds = new Map<ID, String>();
    system.debug('##### value of';
    system.debug('##### value of trigger.old'+trigger.old);

Debug Log Values
##### ##### value of{ OwnerId=00590000000aleEAAQ,Salutation=Mr.,
 LastName=test,, FirstName=test, IsDeleted=false})

##### value of trigger.old {null}

Before Delete
trigger conceptOldandNew on contact (before delete) {
public Map<id,String> conIds = new Map<ID, String>();
    system.debug('##### value of';
    system.debug('##### value of trigger.old'+trigger.old);
     for(Contact con : Trigger.old){
        //Create an old and new map so that we can compare values
        Contact oldCon = Trigger.oldMap.get(con.ID);
        system.debug('###### value of oldMap'+oldCon);    

Debug Log values
##### value of {null}
##### value of trigger.old (Contact:{OwnerId=00590000000aleEAAQ,Salutation=Mr.,
LastName=test,, FirstName=test, Id=0039000000CY9URAA1})

###### value of oldMap  Contact:{OwnerId=00590000000aleEAAQ,Salutation=Mr.,
LastName=test,,  FirstName=test, Id=0039000000CY9URAA1})

After undelete
Important:-- When a record is deleted it goes into recycle bin. We can undelete a deleted
             record from recycle bin and this caused undelete trigger to fire.

trigger conceptOldandNew on Contact (before Insert) {
public Map<Id,String> conIds = new Map<ID, String>();
    system.debug('##### value of';
    system.debug('##### value of trigger.old'+trigger.old);

Debug Log Values
##### ##### value of{ OwnerId=00590000000aleEAAQ,Salutation=Mr.,
 LastName=test,,FirstName=test, IsDeleted=false})

##### value of trigger.old {null}

Before update

trigger testEmail on Contact (before Insert, before update){
    public Map<Id,String> conIDs = new Map<Id,String>();
    List<Contact>lstContacts= Trigger.New;
    Set<Id> setAccId = new Set<Id>();
    for(Contact con : lstContacts){
        system.debug('###### value of setAccId'+setAccId);
        //Create an old and new map so that we can compare values
        Contact oldCon = Trigger.oldMap.get(con.ID);
        system.debug('###### value of oldMap'+oldCon);  
        Contact newCon = Trigger.newMap.get(con.ID);
        system.debug('###### value of newMap'+newCon);           
        //Retrieve the old and new Reseller Email Field           
        string oldEmail = oldCon.Email;
        system.debug('###### value of oldEmail'+oldEmail);
        string newEmail = newCon.Email;
        system.debug('###### value of newEmail'+newEmail);
        //If the fields are different, the email has changed
        if(oldEmail != newEmail){
        system.debug('###### value of conIds'+conIds);
    Map<Id, Account> mapAccounts = new Map<Id,Account>([SELECT Id, Name from Account   where Id In:setAccId]);
    system.debug('###### value in mapAccounts'+ mapAccounts);
    system.debug('###### value of trigger.old'+ trigger.old);
    system.debug('####### oldMap'+trigger.newMap.size());
    system.debug('####### oldMap'+trigger.oldMap.size());

Debug Log Values

###### value of setAccId {0019000000C4pEyAAJ}

###### value of trigger.old (Contact:{HasOptedOutOfFax=false, OwnerId=00590000000aleEAAQ,
FirstName=test,LastName=Contact,,AccountId=0019000000C4pEyAAJ,  Id=0039000000CBHVzAAP})

###### value of (Contact:{HasOptedOutOfFax=false, OwnerId=00590000000aleEAAQ,
FirstName=test,LastName=Contact,,AccountId=0019000000C4pEyAAJ,  Id=0039000000CBHVzAAP})

###### value of oldMap  Contact{OwnerId=00590000000aleEAAQ,LastName=Contact,
AccountId=0019000000C4pEyAAJ, FirstName=test,Id=0039000000CBHVzAAP}

###### value of newMap Contact:{OwnerId=00590000000aleEAAQ,LastName=Contact,
FirstName=test,, AccountId=0019000000C4pEyAAJ, 
Experience__c=2.0, Id=0039000000CBHVzAAP}

###### value of oldEmail
###### value of newEmail
###### value of conIds          {}

###### value in mapAccounts {0019000000C4pEyAAJ=Account:{Name=test Account,                Id=0019000000C4pEyAAJ}}

####### oldMap  1
####### newMap  1

After Insert

//Create a trigger on Account object to insert a contact, when an account is getting inserted.
//Contact Name will be same as Account Name

trigger AccountName on Account (after insert){
    List<Contact> contacts = new List<Contact>();
    system.debug('##### value of';
    system.debug('##### value of trigger.old'+trigger.old);
    for(Account acc :{
        //Create new map so that we can compare values  
        Account newAcc = Trigger.newMap.get(acc.ID);
        system.debug('###### value of newMap'+newAcc);                      
    for (Account a :{           
        contacts.add(new Contact (lastname =, AccountId = a.Id));
    insert contacts; 

Debug Log values

##### value of (Account:{OwnerId=00590000000aleEAAQ, Name=Poddar,

##### value of trigger.old {null}

###### value of newMap Account:{OwnerId=00590000000aleEAAQ, Name=Poddar,  Id=0019000000CaFDzAAN}

After Update

trigger Consetup on Contact (after insert, after update)
   system.debug('##### value of Trigger.New';
   system.debug('##### value of Trigger.Old'+trigger.old);
   Set<Id> Accid = new Set<Id>();
   for (Contact con :{
   Map<Id,Account> accs = new Map<Id,Account>([Select Name, Id from Account Where Id in : Accid]);
    for (Contact con :
       accs.get(con.AccountId).Fax = con.Fax ;
       //Create an old and new map so that we can compare values
        Contact oldCon = Trigger.oldMap.get(con.ID);
        system.debug('###### value of oldMap'+oldCon);  
        Contact newCon = Trigger.newMap.get(con.ID);
        system.debug('###### value of newMap'+newCon);
    update accs.values();

Debug Log Values

##### value of Trigger.New(Contact:{OwnerId=00590000000aleEAAQ,
Fax=(452)152-1000,LastName=Amul, AccountId=0019000000CaFCDAA3,

##### value of Trigger.Old(Contact:{OwnerId=00590000000aleEAAQ,
Fax=(452) 152-1325, LastName=Amul, AccountId=0019000000CaFCDAA3, Id=0039000000CY9m0AAD})

###### value of oldMapContact:{OwnerId=00590000000aleEAAQ,LastName=Amul,
Fax=(452) 152-1325, AccountId=0019000000CaFCDAA3,Id=0039000000CY9m0AAD}

###### value of newMapContact:{OwnerId=00590000000aleEAAQ, Fax=(452) 152-1000, LastName=Amul, AccountId=0019000000CaFCDAA3,Id=0039000000CY9m0AAD}

After Delete

trigger afterTrigger on Account (after delete){
    system.debug('##### value of Trigger.old'+trigger.old);
    system.debug('##### value of';
    system.debug('####### oldMap'+trigger.oldMap.size());
    for(Account acc : Trigger.old){
    List<Contact> contacts = [SELECT Id, AccountId from Contact where AccountId = :acc.Id Limit 20];
    for(Contact con : contacts){
           delete contacts;
Debug Log Values

##### value of Trigger.old(Account:{OwnerId=00590000000aleEAAQ,Fax=(525) 325-3233, Name=Test1, Id=0019000000CaEroAAF,Ownership=Public})
##### value of {null}

####### oldMap 1

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