Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Salesforce : Sorting a wrapper list using Comparable Interface

The Comparable interface adds sorting support for Lists that contain non-primitive types, that is, Lists of user-defined types.

To add List sorting support for your Apex class, you must implement the Comparable interface with its compareTo method in your class.

When a class implements the Comparable interface it has to implement a method called compareTo(). In that method the code has to be written to decide if two objects match or if one is larger than the other.

Apex Class

public class AccountHistoryController {

    public List<AccountHistoryWrapper> accountHistoriesWrapList {get; set;}

    //Calling cosnturctor
    public AccountHistoryController() {
        //Memory Allocation
        accountHistoriesWrapList = new List<AccountHistoryWrapper>();
        //Loop through Accounts
        for(Account acc : [Select Id, Name, (Select ID, Field, AccountId, CreatedDate, Createdby.Name,                                                       Oldvalue,Newvalue, Account.Name From Account.Histories
                                                Where Field = 'Name' ORDER BY CreatedDate DESC LIMIT 200)
                                                FROM Account]) {
            //Populate wrapper list with values
            accountHistoriesWrapList.add(new AccountHistoryWrapper(acc, acc.Histories));                                      
        //Get List of wrapper and sort it


Wrapper Class

global class AccountHistoryWrapper implements Comparable {
    public Account account {get; set;}
    public List<AccountHistory> accountHistories {get; set;}
    //Calling Constructor
    global AccountHistoryWrapper(Account account, List<AccountHistory> accountHistories) {
        this.account = account;
        this.accountHistories = accountHistories;

     // Compare opportunities based on the opportunity amount.
    global Integer compareTo(Object compareTo) {
        // Cast argument to AccountHistoryWrapper
        AccountHistoryWrapper aHW = (AccountHistoryWrapper)compareTo;
        // The return value of 0 indicates that both elements are equal.
        Integer returnValue = 0;
        if (account.Name > aHW.account.Name) {
            // Set return value to a positive value.
            returnValue = 1;
        } else if (account.Name < aHW.account.Name) {
            // Set return value to a negative value.
            returnValue = -1;
        return returnValue;    


Visualforce Page

<apex:page controller="AccountHistoryController">
    <apex:form >
        <apex:pageBlock >
            <apex:repeat value="{!accountHistoriesWrapList}" var="accountHistoryWrap">
                <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!accountHistoryWrap.accountHistories}" var="aHW">
                    <!-- Content of Table-->
                    <apex:column style="width:50%">
                        <apex:facet name="header">Activity</apex:facet>
                        Changed Grade from <b>"{!aHW.oldvalue}"</b> to <b>"{!aHW.newvalue}"</b>
                    <!--More Information-->
                    <apex:column headerValue="Date" value="{!aHW.createddate}" style="width:40%"/>
                    <apex:column headerValue="Changed By" value="{!aHW.createdby.Name}" style="width:10%"/>

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Salesforce + SOQL Query

Salesforce SOQL Query

Basic Examples

1) Simple Query
SELECT Name FROM Account WHERE Name like 'Test%' AND Status__c = 'Approved' LIMIT 1000

2) Query Filter on DateTime field
SELECT Name FROM Account WHERE CreatedDate > 2011-04-26T10:00:00-08:00
SELECT Name FROM Account WHERE CreatedDate > 2011-04-26T10:00:00Z

3) Query with Date Function("")
SELECT Amount FROM Opportunity WHERE CALENDAR_YEAR(CreatedDate) = 2011

4) Query filter on null
SELECT AccountId FROM Event WHERE ActivityDate != null

5) Query Multi-Select Picklists

The following operators are supported for querying multi-select picklists:

Operator Description
= Equals the specified string.
!= Does not equal the specified string.
includes Includes (contains) the specified string.
excludes Excludes (does not contain) the specified string.
; Specifies AND for two or more strings.

SELECT Id, MSP1__c from Account WHERE MSP1__c includes ('AAA;BBB','CCC')
this will return record with MSP__1 example: 'AAA;BBB;DDD' ; 'CCC;EEE'

6) Querying Currency Fields in Multi-currency Organizations
SELECT Id, Name FROM Opportunity WHERE Amount > JPY5000
without currency code it will use organization's default currency

Escaped Character Examples

Select all widgets whose name begins with the letter 'R'.

2) SELECT Id FROM Widget__c WHERE Name LIKE 'R\%'
Select all widgets whose name exactly matches the two character sequence 'R%'.

3)SELECT Id FROM Widget__c WHERE Name LIKE 'R\%%'
Select all widgets whose name begins with the two character sequence 'R%'

Reserved characters Examples

Reserved characters, if specified in a SELECT clause as a literal string (between single quotes), must be escaped (preceded by the backslash \ character) in
order to be properly interpreted. An error occurs if you do not precede reserved characters with a backslash.

The following characters are reserved:
' (single quote)
\ (backslash)

For example, to query the Widget__c Name field for “Wally’s grommet,” use the following SELECT statement:

SELECT Id FROM Widget__c WHERE Name LIKE 'Wally\'s grommet'

Order By


The following limitations apply to data types when using ORDER BY:

1) These data types are not supported: multi-select picklist, rich text area, long text area, and encrypted (if enabled).
2)All other data types are supported, with the following caveats:
a)convertCurrency() always sorts using corporate currency value, if available.
b)phone data does not include any special formatting when sorting, for example, non-numeric characters such as dash or parentheses are included in the sorting.
c)picklist sorting is defined by the picklist sort determined during setup.
d)You are limited to 32 fields in an ORDER BY query. If you exceed the limit, a malformed query fault is returned.

Where Conditional Expression
You can use parentheses to define the order in which fieldExpressions are evaluated.
For example, the following expression is true

if fieldExpression1 is true and either fieldExpression2 or fieldExpression3 are true:
fieldExpression1 AND (fieldExpression2 OR fieldExpression3)

However, the following expression is true if either fieldExpression3 is true or both fieldExpression1 and fieldExpression2 are true.
(fieldExpression1 AND fieldExpression2) OR fieldExpression3


1) Semi-Join Query
SELECT Id, Name FROM Account WHERE Id IN (SELECT AccountId FROM Opportunity WHERE StageName = 'Closed Won')

2) Reference Field Semi-Join Query
SELECT Id FROM Task WHERE WhoId IN (SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE MailingCity = 'Chicago')

3) Anti-Join Query
SELECT Id FROM Account WHERE Id NOT IN (SELECT AccountId FROM Opportunity WHERE IsClosed = false)

4) Reference Field Anti-Join Query
SELECT Id FROM Opportunity WHERE AccountId NOT IN (SELECT AccountId FROM Contact WHERE LeadSource = 'Web')

5) Multiple Semi-Joins Query
SELECT Id, Name FROM Account WHERE Id IN (SELECT AccountId FROM Contact WHERE LastName LIKE 'apple%') AND Id IN (SELECT AccountId FROM Opportunity WHERE isClosed = false )

Set Based

Select ID FROM Account Where ID IN : setAccountIds


1) Parent to Child
SELECT Id, (SELECT Id from OpportunityLineItems) FROM Opportunity (Standard Version)
Select ID, (Select ID FROM Orders__r) FROM Account (Custom Object Version)

2) Child to Parent
SELECT Id, Name, Account.Name FROM Contact
Select ID, VCR__r.Name FROM Account

In a WHERE clause that checks for a value in a parent field, if the parent does not exist, the record is returned in version 13.0 and later,
but not returned in versions before 13.0.. For example:

SELECT Id FROM Model__c WHERE = null

Model record Id values are returned in version 13.0 and later, but are not returned in versions before 13.0.

When designing relationship queries, consider these limitations:

1)Relationship queries are not the same as SQL joins. You must have a relationship between objects to create a join in SOQL.
2)No more than 35 child-to-parent relationships can be specified in a query. A custom object allows up to 25 relationships, so you can reference all the child-to-parent relationships for a custom object in one query.
3)No more than 20 parent-to-child relationships can be specified in a query.
4)In each specified relationship, no more than five levels can be specified in a child-to-parent relationship.
For example, Contact.Account.Owner.FirstName (three levels).
5)In each specified relationship, only one level of parent-to-child relationship can be specified in a query.
For example, if the FROM clause specifies Account, the SELECT clause can only specify the Contact or other objects at that level.
It could not specify a child object of Contact.

3) Polymorphic
A polymorphic relationship field in object being queried that can reference multiple object types.
For example, the What relationship field of an Event could be an Account, or a Campaign, or an Opportunity.

SELECT Id FROM Event WHERE What.TYPE IN ('Account', 'Opportunity')

Query History Object

Custom objects and some standard objects have an associated history object that tracks changes to an object record.
You can use relationship queries to traverse a history object to its parent object.
For example, the following query returns every history row for Foo__c and displays the name and custom fields of Foo:

SELECT OldValue, NewValue, Parent.Id,, Parent.customfield__c FROM foo__history
This example query returns every Foo object row together with the corresponding history rows in nested subqueries:

SELECT Name, customfield__c, (SELECT OldValue, NewValue FROM foo__history) FROM foo__c

Use OFFSET to specify the starting row offset into the result set returned by your query.
SELECT Id, Name FROM Opportunity ORDER BY Name OFFSET 5

Limitations with OFFSET
1)The maximum offset is 2,000 rows. Requesting an offset greater than 2,000 will result in a NUMBER_OUTSIDE_VALID_RANGE error.
2)OFFSET is intended to be used in a top-level query, and is not allowed in most sub-queries, so the following query is invalid and
will return a MALFORMED_QUERY error.
3)A sub-query can use OFFSET only if the parent query has a LIMIT 1 clause. The following query is a valid use of OFFSET in a sub-query.

Aggregate Queries
From API version 18.0 and later, you can use GROUP BY with aggregate functions, such as COUNT(), SUM() or MAX().

a) With GROUP BY

SELECT Stagename, COUNT(Id) FROM Opportunity GROUP BY Stagename
SELECT LeadSource, COUNT(Name) FROM Lead GROUP BY LeadSource
SELECT Stagename, SUM(amount) FROM Opportunity GROUP BY Stagename

Same with GROUP BY, with additional ROLLUP, it add subtotal for aggregated data in the last row
SELECT Stagename, COUNT(Id) FROM Opportunity GROUP BY ROLLUP(Stagename)

c) With GROUP BY ROLLUP with 2 fields
SELECT Status, LeadSource, COUNTId) FROM Lead GROUP BY ROLLUP(Status, LeadSource)

You can use a HAVING clause with a GROUP BY clause to filter the results returned by aggregate functions, same with WHERE with normal query


SELECT Widget__c, COUNT(Name) FROM Model__c GROUP BY Widget__c HAVING COUNT(Name) > 10 and Model_Number__c LIKE 'Sirius%'

Geolocation SOQL Queries

Following are some sample geolocation SOQL queries:

SELECT warehouse_location__latitude__s, warehouse_location__longitude__s FROM Warehouse__c
This query finds all of the warehouses that are stored in the custom object Warehouse. The list will display each warehouse’s latitude and longitude values.
Note the use of the separate field components for warehouse_location__c, to select the latitude and longitude components individually.

SELECT name__c, address__c FROM Warehouse__c WHERE DISTANCE(warehouse_location__c, GEOLOCATION(37.775,-122.418), “mi”) < 20
ORDER BY DISTANCE(warehouse_location__c, GEOLOCATION(37.775,-122.418), “mi”)

This query finds all of the warehouses in the custom object Warehouse that are within 20 miles of the geolocation 37.775°, –122.418°,
which is San Francisco. The list will show the name and address of each warehouse, but not its geocoordinates.
The nearest warehouse will be first in the list; the farthest location will be last.
Note that, when used in the DISTANCE function, you use the compound geolocation field warehouse_location__c directly.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Java Script for custom buttons in salesforce

Java Script for custom buttons in salesforce

The AJAX toolkit includes built-in support for invoking Apex through anonymous blocks or public webService methods.  
To do so, include the following lines in your AJAX code:

<script src="/soap/ajax/15.0/connection.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="/soap/ajax/15.0/apex.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

Execute anonymously via sforce.apex.executeAnonymous (script). This method returns a result similar to the API's result type, but as a JavaScript structure.
Use a class WSDL. For example, you can call the following Apex class:

global class myClass { 
  webService static Id makeContact(String lastName, Account a) { 
        Contact c = new Contact(LastName = lastName, AccountId = a.Id); 

By using the following JavaScript code:

var account = sforce.sObject("Account");
var id = sforce.apex.execute("myClass","makeContact",

The execute method takes primitive data types, sObjects, and lists of primitives or sObjects.
To call a webService method with no parameters, use {} as the third parameter for sforce.apex.execute. For example, to call the following Apex class:

global class myClass{ 
   webService static String getContextUserName() {
        return UserInfo.getFirstName();

Use the following JavaScript code:

var contextUser = sforce.apex.execute("myClass", "getContextUserName", {});
Note:- If a namespace has been defined for your organization, you must include it in the JavaScript code when you invoke the class. For example, to call the above class, the JavaScript code from above would be rewritten as follows:
var contextUser = sforce.apex.execute("myNamespace.myClass", "getContextUserName", {});
Sample code:-

Create a global class with a webservice method and call that from custom button using javascript onClick event.

Create a global class
global class OutboundEmails {

WebService static void SendEmailNotification(string id) {

//create a mail object to send a single email.
Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();

//set the email properties
mail.setToAddresses(new string[] {'EmailAddress here'});
mail.setSenderDisplayName(' Email Agent');
mail.setSubject('A new reminder');
mail.setHtmlBody('an object with ID='+ id + ' is just clicked on.');

//send the email
Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] { mail } );

And have a custom button with display type as "Detail Page Button" and Behaviour type as "Execute JavaScript", content source as "onClick javascript".

And the code for javascript

sforce.apex.execute("OutboundEmails","SendEmailNotification", {id:"{!Case.CaseNumber}"});

These are Javascript Wrappers around the API, which allow you to make Calls to your apex code, enable you for javascript remoting etc.

These javascripts are built in and cannot be modified, but you can view them by typing it directly in your browser

Connection.js :
Apex.js :

replace the ap1 instance with your server instance.

Custom buttons can be of other type like URL, Visualforce page. After summer 13 release we also global actions with us and by help of them now it is very easy to create new record with some required  fields. Enjoy coding..

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Using Standard Controller getRecord() Method in Salesforce

Using standard controller's "getRecord" method
There seems to be a common problem using the getRecord function, so I am going to write it down here.  This problem has haunted me a few times now.

Whenever you use a controller extension, extending a standard object, you can use the getRecord() to get the reference to the record.  For example, if you have an extension to the contact object, this can be what your Apex class looks like:

public class ContactExtension
    private Contact contact;

    public ContactExtension(ApexPages.StandardController sController)
    { = (Contact)sController.getRecord();

Besides the obvious constructor, you will most likely have some other methods inside your class to manipulate the contact.  Let's say you want to provide a form so the user can change email address and phone number of the contact.  Your VisualForce class looks very simple

<apex:page standardController="Contact" extensions="ContactExtension">
        <apex:inputField value="{!contact.Email" />
        <apex:inputField value="{!contact.MobilePhone}" />
        <apex:commandButton action="{!save}" value="Save" />

The {!greeting} is going to display some greeting messages.  That means we will need to write a getGreeting() method in the class.

If this is the definition of your getGreeting() inside the class,

public String getGreeting()
    return 'Hi ' + contact.FirstName + ' how have you been?  Please update the following.';

you will then get an error message that looks like this:

System.SObjectException: SObject row was retrieved via SOQL without querying the requested field: Contact.FirstName

Most of us think that as soon as we call the getRecord() method, then the entire record is loaded into the contact variable.  However if you have an object with 5000 fields, and you only need to use 2 or 3 in your Visualforce pages, do you think it really makes sense to load all 5000 fields for that record into the contact variable?  Probably not.

Then what can you do?  The easiest way is to do add this into your Visualforce page:
<apex:outputText value="{!contact.FirstName}"/>

If you say, but I don't want to display the contact name twice!  Then you can simply change this to:
<apex:outputText value="{!contact.FirstName}" rendered="false" />

By adding rendered="false", that will hide this variable.  Or perhaps use <apex:variable> instead, such as:
<apex:variable value="{!contact.FirstName}" var="contactFName" />

When you load this Visualforce page, the standard controller will scan through your Visualforce page and knows that you need this field, and when making the getRecord() method call, it automatically and implicitly adds this FirstName field into the SOQL.

Remember, if you want to use any field in your extension via the getRecord() method, you need to let it be known by making sure that the field exists in your Visualforce page!

(Another alternative is to write your own SOQL in your Apex class, but why make an extra SOQL call when you can avoid it?)

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Salesforce: Create Custom Fields using Eclipse

Today I had to add different data types fields to my Custom object (Metadata__c). I could have done this by manually creating each field, but the thought of clicking through over different screens didn't take my fancy. So, I thought I’d take the Metadata API for a spin. I decided to do it via the IDE.

Fortunately, there’s plenty of information available on this topic, the best of which are:

First I added my new project to IDE and then I simply added Metadata__c metadata to my project and it appeared in my Package Explorer.

Now I can see custom object details there in source tab.

So, It looks like as given below:---

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<CustomObject xmlns="">
        <displayFormat>META - {00000}</displayFormat>
        <label>Metadata Name</label>

Now for adding custom adding custom fields. Please added XML in that source file given below and you can see change for the custom object by saving XML to the project and by refreshing the custom object definition page on browser.

Adding New Custom Fields:--

1. Auto Number

        <description>Auto Number Creation.</description>
        <displayFormat>AN - {0000}</displayFormat>
        <inlineHelpText>Auto Number Field</inlineHelpText>
        <label>Auto Number</label>

2. Checkbox

        <description>This is a checkbox field.</description>

3. Currency (14,2)

        <description>This is a currency field.</description>

4. Date

        <description>This is a date field.</description>

5. Date Time

        <description>This is a Date Time Field.</description>
        <label>Date Time</label>

6. Email

        <description>This is a Email field.</description>

7. Geolocation

        <description>This is a Geostation field.</description>

8. Multi Select Picklist

        <description>This is multi select picklist field alphabatically shorted and first value as default</description>
        <label>Multi Select Picklist</label>

9. Number


10. Percent

        <description>This is a Percent Field.</description>

11. Phone

        <description>This is a phone field.</description>

12. Picklist

        <description>This is a picklist field.</description>
        <description>This is a text area long field.</description>
        <inlineHelpText>Text area long field help.</inlineHelpText>
        <label>Text Area Long</label>

13. Text Area Rich

        <description>This is a Text Area rich type field.</description>
        <inlineHelpText>Text Area Rich Help</inlineHelpText>
        <label>Text Area Rich</label>

14. Text Area

        <defaultValue>&quot;Test Area Test&quot;</defaultValue>
        <description>This is the text area field.</description>
        <inlineHelpText>Text Area field Help</inlineHelpText>
        <label>Text Area</label>

15. Text Encripted

        <description>This is a text encripted type field.</description>
        <inlineHelpText>Text Encripted field Help</inlineHelpText>
        <label>Text Encripted</label>

16. Text

        <description>This is a text field.</description>

17. URL

        <description>This is a URL field.</description>
        <inlineHelpText>URL field Testing...</inlineHelpText>

18. Master Detail (Master - Account)


19. Lookup Relationship (Parent -- Contact)


20. Formula Field

        <label>Formula Text</label>

21.  List View

        <label>My List View</label>

I think this will be useful.. Enjoy Coding,

Salesforce: Understanding Eclipse IDE and Metadata API

Understanding Eclipse IDE and Metadata API for Custom Object

Salesforce Deployment Tool Eclipse IDE (Advantages and Disadvantages) IDE/ Eclipse IDE
The IDE is a powerful client application for creating, modifying and deploying applications into production environment. Based on the Eclipse platform, it provides a comfortable environment for programmer’s familiar with integrated development environments, allowing you to code, compile, test, and package and deploy all from within the IDE itself.

The IDE also features an embedded schema explorer same as Sales force Explorer for a live view of your database and metadata components. Using the standard synchronization features of the IDE, you can create a project that enables multiple developers to develop against a shared source code repository.
Following are the advantages and disadvantage of tool.


1)It provides a comfortable environment for programmers familiar with integrated development environments, allowing you to the code, compile, test, and package and deploy all from within the IDE itself.

2)It provide the code editor following are features:
3)Syntax highlighting for the Apex key words.
4)Code assist for Apex system classes, user-defined classes, and schema objects.
5)Click-to-line integration with errors and testing views.
6)Unlimited undo and redo.
7)Tabbed views of source code and XML metadata definition on app.
8)We can validate the selected classes/trigger etc before deployment.
9)Execute Anonymous view, which allows you to run the anonymous block of Apex on the server. Anonymous blocks help you to the quickly evaluate Apex on the fly, or to write scripts that change dynamically at runtime.
10) IDE provides an Apex Test Runner view where you can test your methods to see which the tests are are passing or failing helpful in Test class.
11)Metadata files are the text-based, they also can be compared using text diff tools, managed in a version control system such as CVS or Subversion, and even deployed from one Salesforce organization to another
The Schema Explorer is the tool for browsing the objects and fields in a organization. The browser presents the logged-in user’s view of the database model, including object visibility, permissions, data types, lookup values and other information that is useful in developing applications on the platform.
12)Project Synchronization working Online or Offline project.
13)If deployment fail it will shows the errors with line number.
14)A version control system allows you to track changes to a set of files over the time.


1)It takes long time for loading and deployments which is initialization step of our project.
2)We can’t run our visual force page GUI on browser.
3)Detailed logs are not generated in Integrated Development Environment. For example system log file.
4)We are not able to update user profiles using eclipse IDE. Like configuration changes not done in this tool.

Understanding Metadata related to Custom Object

For increasing understanding of your's follow the steps given below:-

1. Make a new project in Eclipse IDE with your developer org credentials.
2. Include Metadata for Custom Object
3. Add a new Custom Object in your org (Let suppose I have created a Custom Object with label Metadata  in my org)
4. Go to Eclipse and refresh the project from server
5. Go to Custom Object
6. Now Go to Particular object (In my case I go to Metadata (Custom Object))
7. Go to Source tab and now you can see the XML Metadata details for this object
8. Now read out details description given below about source code.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<CustomObject xmlns="">
1. [Standard Buttons and Links ---> Accept]


2. [Standard Buttons and Links ---> Clone]


3. [Standard Buttons and Links ---> Delete]


4. [Standard Buttons and Links ---> Edit]


5. [Standard Buttons and Links ---> List]


    6. [Standard Buttons and Links ---> New]


7. [Standard Buttons and Links ---> Tab]


    8. [Standard Buttons and Links ---> View]


    9. [Deployment Status ---> Deployed/In Development]

10. [Track Activities ---> True/False]


11. [Track Field History or Not / Enable Feeds or Not]
10. [Enable Reports ---> True/False]

11. [Label for the custom object]

12. [List Views Details for the custom object]


    13. [Name field detail for Custom Object]

        <displayFormat>META - {00000}</displayFormat>
        <label>Metadata Name</label>

    11. [Plural Label for the custom object]


    11. [Search layout detail]
11. [Sharing Access]


Operations that are available via and Metadata API
  • Add new fields to an object
  • Make minor changes such as label, field lengths, etc.
  • Change the ReferenceTo (eg from Account to Contact) for a field
  • Changed a field type (eg from currency to number). Logically, some conversions might not be possible?
Operations that are not available via and Metadata AP
  • Cannot change the API name of an existing field. It will simply create the new field.
  • Cannot delete existing picklist values
  • Cannot delete fields
  • Cannot change some field type (eg tried to change afield from autonumber to text but it didn’t make the change).
That's All. Thanks...